Supporting the activists trying to save the world.
Aileen provided the foundational grant to establish the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), an effort to support the activist voices demanding a more urgent response to the climate emergency. CEF acknowledges that the gradual response to the climate crisis has been insufficient. We are already experiencing catastrophic climate impacts, and they are accelerating. Our climate politics have not kept up with the ever-worsening scientific reports and demonstrated reality, and we no longer have 30 years to decarbonize.
Activist voices have gained strength in recent months. Young activists led by students like Greta Thunberg and disruptive groups like Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion are demanding that leaders tell the truth about the climate emergency and act accordingly. CEF recognizes that we’ve run out of time and that the only way to force a change is to disrupt the status quo through legal, non-violent direct action.
To learn more, click here.